Miguel runs a bakery in a small community outside of San Vicente.  At 4 AM he gets up to wake the roosters and then gets to work making the bread for the day.  Just before noon the first batch comes out of the oven, is set  to cool, and then gets packed on the back of several motorcycles to be sold in various communities.  His work continues until late into the night and then, just a few short hours later, it starts all over again.   His short rest each night is often broken up by rain coming through his roof forcing him and his wife to move themselves and their things so they don't get wet.  It's exciting times for them with the expectation of their first child but also troubling because it's hard to imagine raising a newborn here.  Miguel's business is a good business but unfortunately after paying the ever increasing prices of his ingredients and wages to his employees he isn't left with much.  Affording a safe secure home is just out of reach.

No one who works this hard should have to live like this and thanks to the help of Shelter and generous donors like you, Miguel and Mayra now have a safe secure home to raise their child.

Thank you for sharing your love with many more families like this.